Regulations on Paper Examination

(Established on May 11, 2013)

1. (Number of examiners)

All submitted manuscripts shall be examined by at least three experts in the corresponding field. However, the examination of manuscripts or news briefs requested from the academic society may be exempted. If a revision is needed after reviewing the organization of papers by the Editorial Board, the revision may be requested.

2. Selection of examiners

The most three suitable examiners are appointed according to the paper subject among the editors. However, if suitable examiners to be appointed are not found among the editors, external examiner(s) may be appointed according to the decision by the Editorial Board.

3. Examination request and method

  1. After deleting the personal details of the researchers, submitted manuscript copies are sent to three examiners without the researcher(s) name(s).
  2. Three examiners examine a paper simultaneously and the identities of the examiners are not exposed to one another.
  3. The result of an individual examiner is given based on the following four grades:
    • ∎Publication: Submitted paper is suitable to be published without additional revision.
    • ∎Publication after revision: Suitable to be published but some parts are needed to be revised.
    • ∎Re-examination after revision: Publication is pending and re-examination is done after revising some part.
    • ∎No publication: Not suitable to be published.
  4. The decision criteria based on examination results are presented in the below examination decision table. The examination result is immediately notified to the author through the examination result notice.
    No. Examiner A Examiner B Examiner C Initial decision Decision after
    1 Publication Publication Publication
    after revision
    Publication -
    2 Publication Publication Re-examination
    after revision
    Publication -
    3 Publication Publication No publication Publication -
    4 Publication Publication
    after revision
    after revision
    after revision
    5 Publication Publication
    after revision
    after revision
    after revision
    6 Publication Publication
    after revision
    No publication Publication
    after revision
    7 Publication
    after revision
    after revision
    after revision
    after revision
    8 Publication
    after revision
    after revision
    No publication Publication
    after revision
    9 Publication Re-examination
    after revision
    after revision
    after revision
    Publication if one of Examiner B or C decided publication
    10 Publication Re-examination
    after revision
    No publication Re-examination
    after revision
    Publication if Examiner B decided publication
    11 Publication
    after revision
    after revision
    after revision
    after revision
    Publication if one or two of Examiners B and C decided publication
    10 Publication Re-examination
    after revision
    No publication Re-examination
    after revision
    B 위원이 게재판정한 경우 게재
    13 Re-examination
    after revision
    after revision
    after revision
    after revision
    Publication if two or three of Examiners A, B, and C decided publication
    14 Re-examination
    after revision
    after revision
    No publication Re-examination
    after revision
    Publication if both of Examiners A and B decided publication
    15 Publication No publication No publication No publication -
    16 Publication
    after revision
    No publication No publication No publication -
    17 Re-examination
    after revision
    No publication No publication No publication -
  5. Papers with a “Publication” decision are published after notifying the authors of the publication decision in the name of Editor-in-Chief. Even if publication decision is made, papers may be revised on parts Examiners pointed out and submitted. In such a case, Editor-in-Chief makes publication confirmation after the revised paper is submitted, and if the revision is deemed inappropriate, re-revision may be requested.
  6. For papers with a “Publication after Revision” decision, Editor-in-Chief notifies the part to be revised and Examiners and Editor-in-Chief decide whether the paper is satisfactorily revised before publication.
  7. For papers with “Re-examination after Revision” decision, Editor-in-Chief notifies the part to be revised and requests re-examination from corresponding Examiners after revision. After this, only “Publication” or “No Publication” decision is available. The re-examination decision is made in accordance with the “Re-examination Decision” criteria in Clause 4 Examination Decision Table.
  8. For papers with a “No Publication” decision, Editor-in-Chief notifies the reason for No Publication to the author(s).

4. Paper examination criteria

  1. Suitability as academic paper
  2. Appropriateness of study methods
  3. Completeness of the content
  4. Sincerity of paper preparation
  5. Accuracy of references and cites
  6. Creativity of paper theme
  7. Contribution of study results to academia (Expected effects)
  8. Suitability of paper abstract
  9. Other suitability as publication in our journal
  10. No publication in other academic journals or proceedings

5. Anonymous guarantee

  1. Editor-in-Chief should not expose the real names of authors to Examiners during the examination, and anonymity is guaranteed between authors and examiners.
  2. If an author is one of the examiners, Editor-in-Chief shall prevent the examiner from examining papers, and should not disclose the submission to other examiners until the examination is complete.

6. Editing confirmation

  1. As soon as the examination of submitted manuscripts is complete, the Editorial Board shall open the editing meeting and confirm the final review and editing of the examination report.
  2. Once the publication is confirmed, authors shall deliver their final paper versions to Editor-in-Chief via mail or email. After the Editor-in-Chief reviews and transfers the final versions to the publisher, authors are not allowed to revise their papers by directly contacting the publisher.
  3. Editor-in-Chief should make an indication of the submission date of the published paper, examination period, and confirmation date of publication decision on the bottom side of the English abstract. The indication criteria are as follows:
    • Paper reception date: Reception date after application for paper submission and manuscript arrive.
    • Examination period: From the examination request date from the examiners to the date of final examination result for papers with “Publication” decision; to the date of revised paper submission for papers with “Publication after Revision” decision”; and to the date of re-examination result for papers with “Re-examination after revision”.
    • Publication confirmation date: Date whose publication is confirmed by Editor-in-Chief.
  4. Even if the same author (main author) submits two or more papers and passes the examination, only one paper is published according to the submission date for each issue.

7. The above examination principle may be revised after the deliberation of the Editorial Board.

8. Rebuttal and re-submission

  1. For “Re-examination after revision”, the author may request re-examination once. The re-examination shall be conducted by the same previous three examiners. Depending on the re-examination result, the paper may be revised and re-submitted. If the re-examination is not complete within the publication period of the journal, the paper shall be transferred to the next issue.
  2. If authors do not accept the “No Publication” decision, they may submit a rebuttal to Editor-in-Chief only once to request a re-examination. The re-examination after the rebuttal shall be conducted by newly selected three examiners. The same examination procedure and method applied to the first submitted paper shall apply.

Supplementary Provision

This regulation is effective from the date of resolution at the General Meeting after approval by the Board of Directors on May 11, 2013.