(Revised on February 27, 2016)
Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1 (Name)
The name of the Society is called the Korean Society of Integration Medicine (hereinafter referred to as the Society).
Article 2 (Purpose)
The purposes of the Society are:
- To generalize the integration medicine methods through research and convert medical studies in many fields that are understood conceptually into comprehensive integration language thereby establishing the awareness on integration medicine by individual members in order to correctly set up the academic identity of integration medicine.
- To present a new direction of integration medicine by establishing a musculoskeletal system, nervous system, mental health, health science, and health sports objectively and systematically based on the concept of integration medicine.
- To make an effort of writing activity for citizens to easily understand the principle of integration medicine.
- To objectify the therapeutic methodology of integration medicine in parallel with research methods based on the intuitive and inductive experimental method and up-to-date treatment technologies, which are the research methodology of integration medicine.
- To make an effort to establish the concept of integration medicine required for clinical fields.
Article 3 (Business)
The Society performs the following business to achieve the purposes set in Article 2.
- Seminar-form academic conferences are held at least once each in the first half and second half.
- Public lectures are hosted if needed.
- Integration medicine experiments that are suitable for the life view of integration medicine and helpful for clinical fields are supported.
- A website of the Society is opened and notice boards for each sectional committee are operated to run academic and educational programs for each sectional committee.
- Member retreat and picnics are held to promote friendship between members.
- Businesses required for the purposes of the Society are conducted.
Chapter 2 Members
Article 4 (Qualification and Membership)
The qualifications for the membership of the Society are those who completed the foundation course hosted by the Society or certain requirements recognized by the Society among those who have healthcare-related certificates.
- A full member shall be those who are qualified with membership qualification, prepare the membership application form prescribed by the Society, and pay the entrance membership fee and complete the member registration.
- A dormant member shall be those who do not pay the membership fee for two years among full members and do not perform the duties of the Society decided by the deliberation of the Board of Directors. For a dormant member, the exercise of the right prescribed in Article 5 shall be limited.
Article 5 (Rights and Duties)
The members of the Society have the following rights and duties.
- The members of the Society have the right to vote and the right to be elected, and the priority right to participate in all conferences and events hosted by the Society.
- The members of the Society shall comply with the regulations and passed resolutions of the Society.
- The members of the Society shall pay the entrance membership fee, annual membership fee, and other contributions.
- Members who do not perform the duties shall not be allowed to exercise the right of the member.
Article 6 (Reward and Punishment)
- Members who are role models for others or contribute to raising the status of the Society may be rewarded such as receiving an award certificate.
- If members defame the honor of the Society or do not perform the duties, the Disciplinary Committee may be held to order punishment such as warning or expulsion from the Society.
Chapter 3 Meetings
Article 7 (Meetings)
The meetings of the Society are divided into General Meeting (Regular General Meeting and Extra-ordinary General Meeting) and meeting of the Board of Directors.
Article 8 (Regular General Meeting)
The Regular General Meeting shall be held in the first quarter of each year and the following matters shall be resolved (partial revision on Feb. 27, 2016).
- Matters concerning the election of executives such as President, Vice President, and Auditor
- Revision of the Regulations
- Matters concerning the overall affairs of the Society
Article 9 (Extra-ordinary General Meeting)
The Extra-ordinary General Meeting shall be convened upon the resolution of the Board of Directors initiated by the President's request or upon the request from more than one-third of the members.
Article 10 (Quorum for Resolution)
The quorum for resolution in the meetings shall be as follows:
- For important matters of the Society such as the revision of the Regulations, dissolution of the Society, impeachment of executives, the resolution shall be passed with the approval of a majority of the registered members and a two-thirds majority of attending members.
- For other matters, the resolution shall be passed with the approval of a majority of the registered members and a majority of attending members.
- If members may not participate in the meetings unavoidably, a power of attorney may be submitted to the Chairperson of the General Meeting and accepted for the attendance.
Chapter 4 Executives
Article 11 (Executives)
The Society shall place the following executives.
- One President
- Twenty or fewer Vice Presidents (Revised on Feb. 27, 2016)
- Several Directors including Director for Planning, Director for General Affairs, Director for Finance, Director for Academic Affairs, Director of Public Relations, Direction for Information, Direction for International Affairs, Director for Legal Affairs, and Director for External Cooperation
- Two Auditors (Revised on Feb. 27, 2016)
- Several advisor(s) and consultant(s)
Article 12 (Duties of Executives)
The duties of the executives of the Society shall be as follows:
- The President represents the Society, supervises the general affairs, and takes the position of Chairperson in General Meeting and the Board of Directors.
- The Vice President(s) support(s) the President and takes the position of acting president in case of accidents that occurred to the President.
- Directors support the President and execute all the businesses of the Society.
- The number and roles of the Directors shall be determined by the Board of Directors and approved at the General Meeting.
- The Auditors perform the auditing of the general affairs and finance of the Society and report the results to the General Meeting. The Auditors participate in the Board of Directors and give advice.
Article 13 (Term of office of executives)
- The term of office of the executive shall be three years and may serve consecutive terms.
- The future schedule after the accident occurred to executives shall be decided by the resolution in the Board of Directors
Article 14 (Election of executives)
- The President is elected in the General Meeting. The election method shall be determined in the General Meeting in the pertinent year.
- The Vice President shall be recommended by the President and approved in the General Meeting.
- The Directors shall be appointed by the President and the appointment shall be reported to the General Meeting.
- Auditors shall be elected at the General Meeting.
Article 15 (Board of Directors)
- The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President, and Directors, which shall be within 30 members (Partially revised on Feb. 27, 2016)
- The Board of Directors shall be convened by the President to facilitate the operation of the general affairs of the Society and the President shall be the Chairperson of the Board.
- The Board of Directors shall deliberate and decide on matters concerning the general affairs and matters commissioned to the General Meeting.
- The Board of Directors may create a sub-board to delegate the execution of the business and the President shall report the business to the General Meeting.
Article 16 (Committees)
The Society may install various types of committees if needed.
- The types and roles of the committees shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
- The Society shall install Academic Editorial Board, Research Ethics Committee, Policy Committee, and Sectional Committee (musculoskeletal system, nervous system, mental health, health science, and health sports) (Partially revised on Feb. 27, 2016).
- The members in the aforementioned board and committees shall be nominated by appointed chairpersons, and the committees shall report their main activities to the Board of Directors.
- The chairpersons of the committees shall be appointed by the President and their tenure is the same as that of the President.
Chapter 5 Finance
Article 17 (Income)
The income of the Society consists of the entrance membership fee, annual membership fee, lifetime membership fee, contributions, donations, and profit-making projects (education course fee, lecturing fee, and textbook sales).
Article 18 (Annual Membership Fee)
The members of the Society shall pay the annual membership fee whose amount is determined by the General Meeting.
Article 19 (Entrance Membership Fee)
The members of the Society shall pay the annual membership fee whose amount is determined by the General Meeting.
Article 20 (Contributions)
Special membership fee and contributions may be imposed according to the resolution in the General Meeting when special reasons occur.
Article 21 (Fiscal Year)
The fiscal year of the Society starts from January 1 and ends on December 31 every year.
Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions
Article 1
The regulations of the Society shall be effective from the date of passage on May 11, 2013.
Article 2
Matters not listed in the regulations shall follow the general custom.
Supplementary Provision
(Execution Date) The revised articles of association shall be effective on February 27 in 2016.